Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Sitting ABOVE the clouds!!!

Today I had the BEST news possible!  

I went into the appointment and the Dr started with an ultrasound to measure the uterine lining.  We were shooting for more than 7mm (last time 2 years ago, I never got over 6mm)... And he says "well the lining looks great, it's measuring 8.1mm which is ideal!"  Ahhhh!!!!! 

He continued to look at the rest of my uterus and noticed a small polyp.  He said it would require a minor surgery and I would need to heal for about a month before we could do a transfer.  But... Wait!  The doctor said "well, hold-on.  It's possible I can knock the polyp off with this catheter if I move it just right."  I thought for sure he was crazy and that wouldn't be possible.  Then he says "Yep!  Looks like I got it!  No surgery needed.  Wow, that never happens!"  
Ahhhh!!! All the stars aligned today!  The IPs and I are above the clouds today!  The prayers and positive thoughts worked!!!! Thank you all! 

Later today we are going to be making THE announcement on who the IPs are!! So, stay tuned for that exciting announcement! 


  1. WoW! This update has me speechless!! So happy for you and the IPs!!!

  2. Oh my word, I'm straight giddy!!!!!!!!

  3. Yay!!!! Congrats to you and the IPs :-)

  4. Please tell me how I can find someone as special as you are to be my " oven " for my husband and I ....?

  5. Love who you are Makenzie!!!! You are truly amazing and a huge inspiration to me and soo many others! See u in January girl :)
    God bless you!!!! xoxo
    Melissa Wrapaway Galindo-Ryan-
